Traditional & Indigenous Medicine Doctor of Sacred Arts Diploma Programs. A Christ-Centered Ministry and Seminary of the Native American Indigenous Church. These are selected course completion blocks in more than ten different specified areas of online study, e.g., Classical Ayurveda, Filipino Hilot-Ablon, Folk Remedies, Shamanism, Herbalist Studies, Electro-therapy, Nutrition/Dietetics, Christian Traditional and Monastic Medicine Studies, Humanitarian Aid Services, Christ-centered Social Work and more. These designated block courses are entirely online as well. Complete the studies within the specified course time. Upon finishing all courses within the Course Block, the candidate is issued a final Diploma from the Registrar’s office.
Please note: Other than the CTP1 Prerequisite course, there are no additional physical, Live, or in-class courses required or included in this D.S.T.I.M. degree program.
Students study at their own pace and are allocated a maximum of eighteen months for this 8 to 12-month program for successful completion. Post eighteen months, additional tuition of $185.00 until graduation or voluntary withdrawal. Receive tuition credit for the required prerequisite coursework: SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy (Prerequisite Live or Online). Your Choice! Graduates qualify for N.A.I.C. Legal Shield L.C.H.T. Holistic License/ S.M.O.K.H. Legal Authorization to practice!

D.S.T.I.M. Diploma/ Degree Program General Information:
Doctor of Arts: Sacred Traditional & Indigenous Medicine (D.S.T.I.M.) Diploma Program
Doctor of Sacred Arts: Sacred Traditional & Indigenous Medicine (D.S.T.I.M.) Diploma Program:
New Online Degree. Obtain a College Degree entirely at Home!
Christ-centered physician experts in Holistic Natural medicine and Spiritually-based Social Work are needed now more than ever! Become a “source” person!
Those exceptional students wishing to complete the requirements for Doctor of Arts: Sacred Traditional & Indigenous Medicine suitable for the U.S. and internationally recognized License may apply to our post-graduate Degree Program. This Traditional, Indigenous, Sacred Natural Medicine, Religious Therapeutics, Traditional Spiritually Based Doctor of Arts Diploma/ Degree Program is Post-Graduate. Applied for after completion of undergrad or equivalent requirements or with substantial education or current medical background (M.D., R.N., Chiropractor, Licensed Massage Therapist, etc.) as a substitute for the Associate in Sacred Arts in Traditional Natural Medicine Degree Diploma Program.
Our Doctor of Sacred Arts: Traditional and Indigenous Medicine Diploma qualifies for N.A.I.C. or S.M.O.C.H. recognitions, vocational or Medical Authorizations Under Doctor of Sacred Clinical Therapy D.P.T./ D.C.T. or Doctor of Sacred Indigenous & Traditional Medicine D.S.T.I.M. (P) depending on final areas of clinical specialization. For details and costs for our most advanced Diploma program, Click Here!
Affordability: Because our D.S.T.I.M. College Diploma/ Degree program is a Distance Learning/Home-based Study course work, our fees don’t have to support large campuses, high overheads, and excessive administration salaries; hence, significant savings are passed on directly to you. We can save you from $160,000.00 to over $200,000.00 in fees compared with other institutions offering similar Degrees. Convenience: With the N.A.I.C. SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine D.S.T.I.M. Degree, your study is done from Home, in your own time, on your terms. You don’t need to quit your job while studying Sacred Natural Medicine. You can learn ANYWHERE in the U.S.A. and the world! Course Goals and Objectives: Click here for more D.S.I.T.M. learning objectives!
The entire course of study prepares one to practice primary care and natural medicine. The two-course programs train students to apply to organizations that offer accreditation, recognition, or licensing, such as N.A.I.C., S.M.O.C.H., and E.S.P.O.C.H. (Ecuador). To ensure continued career success, the graduate will continue to learn new and current information related to techniques, trends, and methods for career development in natural medicine and related fields. The graduate will consider this continuing education a fundamental part of professional growth and development.
For specific details and pricing, please get in touch with the office by EMAIL or call (706) 358-8646
Doctor of Sacred Traditional & Indigenous Medicines (D.S.T.I.M.) Program Studies
Our teaching approach combines resident studies and distance learning to give the practitioner more than an affordable alternative to new educational vistas.
These are not ordinary courses with ordinary content. Each class will be a life-changing ascent toward becoming a natural medicine physician.
Online Academic Programs
N.A.I.C.: The American College of Natural Medicine and our affiliate institutions offer a wide range of courses in both graduate and undergraduate programs. Each course description includes all prerequisite requirements in bold. The Academic Dean must approve any exceptions or exemptions to these requirements. Consult with the Dean before enrollment to ensure that your course selection meets your degree or diploma requirements and that you satisfy all prerequisites for the Diploma or Sacred Doctorate program.
For a complete description of D.S.T.I.M. courses and costs, Please Click Here!
NAIC Legal Shield LCHT Holistic License Program, qualifies as part of the SMOKH (Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope) Sanctified Healer Ordination and ministry authorizations. SMOKH Membership and passage fees not included unless authorized in writing by NAIC.
The State of Florida Department of Education

Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities
Native American Indigenous Church: American College of Natural Medicine (N.A.I.C.) American College of Natural Medicine operates in compliance as a degree-granting institution through exemption by the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities under Section 1005.06 (1) (f), F.L.A. Statutes. N.A.I.C. is a 508(c)(1)(a) FBO (Faith Based Organization), a Native American Tribal Organization. Like other states, the state does not require accreditation or theological accreditation for our religious education-based programs.
SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®, SomaVeda® is a Federally Registered Trademark/ Servicemark and proprietary Intellectual Property, All World Rights Reserved.